Purchase Terms
You will be required to climb via the lower wing and front cockpit without a ladder to reach the Wingwalking Rig/Seat.
The upper weight limit 85. KILOS- Subject to aircraft availability
The weight limit for the loop the loop is 65kg
Please make us aware of your weight upon booking.
Wingwalkers must be aged 18 years or over. There is no actual upper age limit to participate in a Wingwalk but if you are 65 or over please see the “Medical Conditions section below”.
Please note that if you suffer from any of the conditions listed below or are aged 65 years or above you require a Doctor to signed and stamp the medical form The conditions are: Epilepsy, fits, severe head or neck injury, recurrent blackouts, fainting fits or giddiness, disease of the brain or nervous system, high blood pressure, heart or lung disease, recurrent weakness or dislocation of any limb, diabetes (Type 1), mental illness, drug or alcohol addiction.
Enclosed is a “FITNESS FORM”. It is very important that you read the form carefully to know whether you need to have the declaration of fitness signed by your Doctor before completing your Wingwalk. If you are unsure after reading the Form then you must seek advice from your doctor. Wingwalk.Buzz staff cannot advise on fitness to Wingwalk. Medical concerns raised with our staff on the day of your Wingwalk will result in you being referred back to your doctor. A rebook fee of £50 will also apply. It is your responsibility to be truthful on your medical history.
Please be aware that waiting time is inevitable with Wingwalking. You must be available for 3 hours following your arrival at the centre, to complete your Wingwalk. If you cannot commit this time, please discuss your requirements with the staff on arrival, who will endeavour to help, but if you choose to leave early you may be charged a £50 rebooking fee.
Deposits and payments are completely non-refundable. The balance for Wingwalks (excluding ‘Wingwalk for Free) is due 10 days before your Wingwalk date. Once the date of your Wingwalk is booked you are required to give a minimum of 28 days notice to change the date and an admin fee of £50 per person will be charged. If you wish to transfer your Wingwalk to another person a fee of £25 will apply. If less than 28 days notice is given a £50 rebook fee will apply. Customers who do not show up on the day of their Wingwalk for any reason will result in loss of all money paid.
You must raise the minimum amount of sponsorship as specified by your chosen charity. If you do NOT raise enough you must pay the difference yourself or you will NOT be able to Wingwalk and will lose your deposit.
If you wish to recover reimbursement of the non-refundable deposit, you must raise the value of the deposit in offline sponsorship. This is in conjunction with connecting proof of sponsorship to your account with at least the minimum amount of sponsorship set by the Charity.
If you raise more than the minimum sponsorship for your chosen charity, the additional sponsorship money must be passed on directly to the charity.
If you wish to add any optional extra, i.e. Photos/DVD, you will have to pay for them out of your own money and not sponsorship.
You must make it clear to your sponsors that if using our Wingwalk for Free scheme, some/all of the cost of the jump will be paid for out of your sponsorship money.
Wingwalk BUZZ Ltd may pass on your contact details (if required) to the charity you have booked to fundraise for. This may be used to assist you in your fundraising and for collection of sponsorship. Some charities like to make contact with their supporters. Your details will not be passed on by us to any other third party.
Wingwalk.Buzz Vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
You can extend your wingwalk voucher for 6 months for £50
There is also the possibility of short notice postponement due to weather, mechanical problems with our aircraft, staff illness, aircraft weight restrictions or other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control. Wingwalk.Buzz will not be liable for any costs such as travel or accommodation incurred by the participant in such circumstances. In any event the final decision on whether you are able to fly on the day of your Wingwalk always lies with the Pilot.
Please be aware that we take wind chill into consideration when making our weather call. Our limit for ground temperature is 10 degrees Celsius. We would be unable to operate at lower temperatures due to the freezing conditions when flying at high speeds. For example, during frosty conditions (0 degrees Celsius), the wind chill when frying would be -12 degrees Celsius. Exposure to this temperature for the duration of the wingwalk would be unsafe and take some enjoyment out of the experience. If temperature exceed 20 degrees celsius flights may be postponed due to take off performance limitations.
If you are unable to complete your Wingwalk after arrival on the day due to weather, you can simply rebook with Wingwalk.Buzz at no extra fee to a mutually agreed date within 12 months of each attempt (which may need to be repeated as many times as necessary to complete your first flight).
A training brief will take place, prior to your Wingwalk. You will be required to attend the brief on the day of your Wingwalk, even if you have been before.
It is very important that Wingwalkers wear appropriate clothing on the day of their Wingwalk. Clothing must be comfortable and tight fitting. Clothing should not be baggy or loose, hoods are not allowed. We recommend wearing warm layers as the wind chill can be rather cold. Securely fitted shoes are a necessity, they must cover the whole foot, and they should also have a soft grippy sole. Trainers are ideal. You will be asked to remove all jewellery. During the colder months we also recommend bringing along a pair of gloves.
Full catering facilities are available at Dunkeswell Airfield, including a coffee bar and restaurant. Our other locations may also have catering facilities but this cannot be guaranteed.
That no alcohol is permitted at the Airfields. Also please be responsible the night before your Wingwalk. Common sense please.
Family and friends are very welcome. We have catering facilities at Dunkeswell Airfield – our other locations may have catering facilities but this cannot be guaranteed. Dogs are not permitted on the airfield.
When you Wingwalk, you are covered by third party insurance. You are not covered for personal injury.
Relive the most exciting moment of your life! We will give you the option to purchase Photos or a Video of your Wingwalk for the following costs:
Photos: £79
Photos and Video £119
Although very rare our photo and video system, like all technology, can be subject to unforeseen faults and errors. Once you have purchased a media package this is Non-refundable. In the unlikely event that an error occurs with a pre-paid video or photos a refund will be given.
There is a zero tolerance abuse policy at Wingwalk.Buzz Please advise your family and friends that ‘Bad Weather Days’ are not under our control. Abuse from participants and/or their friends and family will NOT be tolerated. Right of admission is reserved