Book your wing walk experience...

The taster wingwalk activity is only available at Wingwalk Southwest.
Important: The Loop the loop wingwalk is consider a more extreme activity and can only be carried out if you have done at least one wingwalk with us previously.
Location & Date
{{location ? selectedLocation : 'Choose a location'}}
{{walk_date ? selectedDate : 'Choose a date'}}
{{walk_arrival ?? 'Choose a time'}}
Wingwalk Cost: £{{wingwalk_price}}
{{walker.first_name}} {{walker.last_name}}
{{! || == '' ? 'Choose Media Package' : mediaName(' £'+mediaPrice(}}
{{!walker.charity_id || walker.charity_id == '' ? 'Choose a Charity' : charityName(walker.charity_id)}}
{{walker.payment_scheme === 0 ? 'Self Funded' : 'Walk for Free'}}
Wingwalk Cost: £{{wff_cost}}
A deposit of £{{wff_deposit}} will be required today.
You will then need to raise a minimum of £{{charityData(walker.charity_id).min_donation}} for {{charityName(walker.charity_id)}} to carry out the wingwalk for free.
You will then need to raise a minimum of £{{charityData(walker.charity_id).min_donation}} for {{charityName(walker.charity_id)}} to carry out the wingwalk for free.
Wingwalk: £{{total_walk_price}}
Media: £{{total_media_price}}
Total: £{{total_price}}
Some fields are incomplete or invalid
Choose an Amount
Contact Information
Delivery Address
Delivery Method
Some fields are incomplete or invalid
- Not this time
- Self Funded
- Walk for Free
- Not this time
Walk for Free
Choose a location
When would you like to wing walk?
Choose a check-in time
Walker {{walkers.length+1}}
You must weight less than 85kgs for this activity
You must be at least 18 years of age to carry out a wing walk
Because you're the lead walker, we need extra details...
Walker {{edit_walker_index+1}}
You must weight less than 85kgs for this activity
You must be at least 18 years of age to carry out a wing walk
Because you're the lead walker, we need extra details...